Classic Fanta Designs
Fanta Orange is probably the world’s most popular soda pop and has been an integral part of the comprehensive CocaCola product range for decades. The company itself comes from the US city of Atlanta. But the drink has its origins in the West of Germany.
Fanta stands for fantasy and has been bringing joy to all generations since Nostalgic-Art also loves the refreshing drink. That’s why we have decorated three of our typical tin products with the retro designs of the old Fanta advertising and created a small themed world for our customers. Our range includes two tin signs in portrait format measuring 20 x 30 cm and 30 x 40 cm, as well as a thermometer. Our designers have highlighted the famous Fanta ring bottle while imitating the old Fanta advertising. The ring bottle is a true masterpiece of industrial design and was developed in 1955 by Frenchman Raymond Fernand Loewy. Loewy is particularly known for his streamlined designs and is considered the designer of the American Dream.
To mark Fanta’s 75th birthday, the CocaCola Company launched Fanta Klassik in 2015. This variety is intended to be reminiscent of the Fanta flavor of the past: less sweet in taste and with ingredients such as whey and apple extract.
The Fanta from the Ruhrpott
At its darkest point in history, Germany launched a colorful and delicious drink that remains popular to this day. In the middle of the Second World War, resources became scarce. The already famous CocaCola drink can no longer be produced in Germany. Max Keith, then managing director of CocaCola GmbH in Essen, instructed his chief chemist to look for alternatives. Because of limited available ingredients, a surprisingly tasty and easy-toproduce
soft drink quickly emerged. A lemonade based on whey and apple pulp. The drink is available exclusively in the classic brown glass ring bottle
with the orange “twin peak” logo. Exactly these nostalgic bottles and the logo are presented on our tin signs.
On the first tin sign, a pin-up girl is holding up the bottle. She is lying on the beach and wants to refresh herself with the Fanta. The second tin sign has the inscription, “Drink Fanta the sensational Orange Drink, with the fantastic flavor in the distinct bottle”.
High quality production
The designs we created faithfully recreate the charm of the old Fanta advertising. They are embossed on several levels of the sheet. This gives the product a high-quality 3D look and a pleasant feel. Our design team in Berlin created all the designs themselves and prepared them professionally for printing. Only brilliant original colors were used. Our merchandise items are characterized only by the highest quality. We produce environmentally friendly and with robust steel plate. This way we can guarantee long-lasting enjoyment of our products. This is important to us, as the articles are particularly suitable as gifts.
Back to overviewWhere to buy the merchandising items?
Nostalgic-Art products are Made in Germany and are therefore characterized by the highest quality and attention to detail. As a businessto- business company, our goal is to spread the nostalgic charm of various traditional companies internationally.
If you would like to buy our Fanta products for private use, you can do so conveniently through our intermediaries or on Amazon. Have fun browsing!